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JOURNAL CLUB: Computer-Aided Detection of Lung Nodules on CT With a Computerized Pulmonary Vessel Suppressed Function.
Pubmed ID
29336601 (View this publication on the PubMed website)
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2018 Mar; Volume 210 (Issue 3): Pages 480-488
Lo SB, Freedman MT, Gillis LB, White CS, Mun SK
  • 1 Arlington Innovation Center: Health Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Arlington, VA 22203.
  • 3 Biostat Solutions, Frederick, MD.
  • 4 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to evaluate radiologists' performance in detecting actionable nodules on chest CT when aided by a pulmonary vessel image-suppressed function and a computer-aided detection (CADe) system.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A novel computerized pulmonary vessel image-suppressed function with a built-in CADe (VIS/CADe) system was developed to assist radiologists in interpreting thoracic CT images. Twelve radiologists participated in a comparative study without and with the VIS/CADe using 324 cases (involving 95 cancers and 83 benign nodules). The ratio of nodule-free cases to cases with nodules was 2:1 in the study. Localization ROC (LROC) methods were used for analysis.

RESULTS: In a stand-alone test, the VIS/CADe system detected 89.5% and 82.0% of malignant nodules and all nodules no smaller than 5 mm, respectively. The false-positive rate per CT study was 0.58. For the reader study, the mean area under the LROC curve (LROCAUC) for the detection of lung cancer significantly increased from 0.633 when unaided by VIS/CADe to 0.773 when aided by VIS/CADe (p < 0.01). For the detection of all clinically actionable nodules, the mean LROC-AUC significantly increased from 0.584 when unaided by VIS/CADe to 0.692 when detection was aided by VIS/CADe (p < 0.01). Radiologists detected 80.0% of cancers with VIS/CADe versus 64.45% of cancers unaided (p < 0.01); specificity decreased from 89.9% to 84.4% (p < 0.01). Radiologist interpretation time significantly decreased by 26%.

CONCLUSION: The VIS/CADe system significantly increased radiologists' detection of cancers and actionable nodules with somewhat lower specificity. With use of the VIS/CADe system, radiologists increased their interpretation speed by a factor of approximately one-fourth. Our study suggests that the technique has the potential to assist radiologists in the detection of additional actionable nodules on thoracic CT.

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